
About this site

This is a mainly a static site, created with Jekyll and hosted on Github. The site is my personal collection of things, including some of my posts on Medium.com and other #showerthoughts.

About Me

I am a Biomedical Engineering graduate from City, University of London, tech enthusiast.

I currently work for J.P. Morgan as a Software Engineer.

Previously, I worked at National Student Pride as Events Officer and Stage Manager, customer experience consultant at Adthena.

Used to be a massive music festival fan.

And was a drummer for London 2012 Olympics ceremonies.

My main academic interest lies in the field of computational neuroscience & artificial intelligence applications for improved biomedical engineering, and also I enjoy photography, travelling, and language learning.

I have specific interests in statistics, data analysis, medical informatics, biomaterials, nanotechnology, algorithm and building computational tools.



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